play tango

Contemporary, adventurous Tangoquintet playing dramatic, powerful and poetic music in the traditionof urban music from Buenos Aires, Colectivo29 create an arresting,captivating acoustic atmosphere.
The World Music Series at Box HillCommunity Arts Centre brings another treat to Whitehorse musiclovers. Although the Tango music of Colectivo29 is well known ininner Melbourne and they have played for the Argentinian Embassy, atRipponlea, at the Canberra Tango Club, Canberra Arts Festival andDarebin Music Feast, this is the first opportunity for Whitehorseresidents to catch them locally.
Acclaimed musicians with a wealth ofinternational experience in Argentina, Cuba, Italy and the USA,Colectivo29 is a vibrant quintet featuring some of Australia’sfinest musicians. A variation on the classic Nuevo Tango quintet,Colectivo29 explores the tradition of Buenos Aires urban music froman Australian perspective. The members of Colectivo29 believe thatTango is fluid and constantly evolving. They are developing newmusic in an Australian context, playing arrangements and compositionswritten by Australian composers
Stunning arrangements of classic Tangorepertoire, lesser-known compositions from Argentinian maestros andoriginal themes all combine producing a post-Piazzolla, post-2001Argentinian economic crash mix of passionate and intense music.Colectivo29 combines searing strings, rhythmic accordion andshimmering piano to produce a captivating blend of lyrical anddanceable music. Colectivo29 pay homage to the dark dramas played outby Osvaldo Pugliese and the rhythmic virtuosity of Horacio Salgán.
Members of colectivo29 have lived inBuenos Aires, and studied with musicians from the core of tango musicculture. They maintain regular contact with the vibrant Buenos Airesmusic scene. Colectivo29 is Andrew James: Piano &Arrangements, Rachael Kim: Violin, Mischa Herman: Accordion, PenelopeWitt: Cello and Tamara Murphy: Bass.
Bring your dancing shoes!
Box Hill Community Arts Centre
470 Station St.
Friday 15th June, 8pm enquiries, bookings 9417 1983;