Welcome to our blog, thank you for visiting today. You will find all things related to argentine tango - articles, events, festivals, video and links.
Listen to Tango music on Pandora Radio
El Dia de los Muertos
Donations VERY welcome for Mission Mexico show your appreciation for Mexican Duo "Hector & Henry"
See More www.facebook.com/TangoEmbraceAustralia
Book a table email or call Margarita 0407 017 538
Day of the Dead MILONGA Friday 2nd November Club Willoughby, 26 Crabbes Ave, off Penshurst St , NORTH Willoughby. 8pm - 11.45pm Cost $15
Image from Wikipedia20121030
Ruth Roshan and Tango Noir - Mullumbimby
Ruth Roshan and Tango Noir - NSW NORTH COAST CD LAUNCH
8PM Friday November 9, 2012 (Doors open 7:15 PM. Delicious food available) - MULLUMBIMBY DRILL HALL - Jubilee Avenue, Mullumbimby Tickets available at www.kupromotions.com.au Pre $20 (+bf)/Door $25
Ruth Roshan and Tango Noir Brisbane CD Launch Concert
Ruth Roshan and Tango Noir - BRISBANE CD LAUNCH CONCERT (for Brisbane Cabaret Festival) & Pequeño Niño Bien Milonga*
Saturday November 10 - Concert 6:30—7:30 PM, Milonga 8:30—11 PM OLD BRISBANE MUSEUM, 460 Gregory Terrace, Bowen Hills
Ruth Roshan & Tango Noir - "Darling ... Keep it to Yourself"
"I had tears in my eyes when I listened to it ... definitely my album of the month." - Trans Europa Express - PBS Radio
"A gorgeous, nerve tingling collection of music." - Roots & Fusion - Pure Radio (UK)
Featuring ...
Amir Farid (Piano), Phil Carroll (Accordion), Aaron Barnden (Violin), Sarah Morse (Cello), William Hewer (Cello) and Ruth Roshan (Vocals, Mandolin); with special guest Nick Tsiavos on Bass.
In Tango Noir's second all original album, "Darling ... Keep it to Yourself", Ruth uses the rhythms of the cabaret, the Tango, the Habanera, the Waltz, Ruth successfully infuses the album with an atmosphere of 1930s Berlin to create music which is new and nostalgic at the same time. It is a very listenable and beautiful album.
Lush arrangements enhance the style, providing a bittersweet flavour when backing her acerbic lyrics. With cabaret undergoing a revival at present, Ruth is an artist who perfectly captures the mood of that style and era on this album
Tickets available via www.brisbanecabaretfestival.com Ph: (07) 3257 4089
Concert or Milonga Only Pre: $25 full/$20 conc**, Door $30/$25 Both Concert & Milonga $35* (pre booked only)
more at: www.ruthroshan.com
Sand Dancer
I have a vision of a Tango couple dancing in the middle of one of Peter Donnelly's sand art masterpieces.
Townsville Cultural Festival 18-19 August 2012
Townsville Cultural Festival - salsaEville and S-L-M dance the "Tango of Two Cities"
at the Townsville Cultural Festival 15-19 August 2012
Counting down to the Townsville Cultural Festival. 15-19 August 2012. See salsaEville and S-L-M perform the "Tango of Two Cities" on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th.
Townsville Cultural Festival Link: www.culturalfest.org
One in a Million Dance
Open Competition
Click here to visit One in a Million Dance
Tango - Townsville
Workshops Saturday, 14th July 2012 @ the Order of the Eastern Star Hall - 48 Ingham (Service) Road, West End
Para Los Ninos - you are invited to help
Dance For The Children
Dance is a uniquely human expression of joy and hope for mankind. Tango is communication without words. It is an embrace. Milonga Para Los Niños reaches out to embrace the children of Argentina and Latin America to bring hope and joy to their lives in return for their gift to the world of Tango and Latin music and dance.Our Core Values.
Our charity's core values are: To direct our aid directly to people and organisations who add value. Event Organisers may pay direct expenses, but organisers must not charge for their services. The organisation keeps its expenses to a minimum, so as to distribute the maximum funds to the beneficiaries. Organisers give preference to suppliers who donate or discount their services.Our Vision
Our vision is to build a community of annual milongas (tango dances) and Latin dances around the world to improve and bring joy to the lives of children in South America. You can help by offering one dance per year. "Now the people will know we were here” The Symbol for Sociedad Para Los Niños includes the Canadian Inukshuk. It expresses the values of our people. The Inukshuk is a powerful symbol of humanity, cooperation and trust and faith in people.The Inuit people of North America erected these stone guardians to give passers-by the comfort of knowing that they are not alone, to give guidance, strength and motivation. They were erected to mark good hunting and fishing spots, sacred places and at times the location of buried food to sustain unknown travellers. It is an expression of selfless sharing and caring for those you may never know. It is recognition that we are all fellow travellers on this earth and dependent upon one another for love and life.
Sociedad Para Los Niños (Society for the Children) is an incorporated non-profit benefit organised by the Tango community of Australia for the children of Argentina & Latin America. PO 2623, Nerang B.C. Qld, 4211. Australia Email: president@paralosninos.net secretary@paralosninos.net Phone: +61 7 5668 1505
In New York on 22 June? ROMULOLARREA Tango Ensemble
FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 2012 AT 8PM
The Town Hall (123 West 43rd Street), TimesSquare’s landmark concert venue, proudly welcomes back the Romulo Larrea Tango Ensemble for the world premiere of TANGO FOR LOVERS ONLY, on Friday, June 22nd at 8:00PM. A celebration of the true spirit of tango,this unique song and dance event showcases the beauty and sensuality of theTango while highlighting the three artistic foundations of the genre: dance,poetry, and music. Tickets are on sale now for $55, $50 and $45. All tickets for performances at The Town Hall are available throughTicketmaster by calling 800-982-2787, online at www.ticketmaster.com, or in-person by visiting The Town Hall Box Office between thehours of Noon and 6PM (except Sundays) at 123 West 43rd Street,212-840-2824.
As a tribute to this rich and international music tradition, TANGO FOR LOVERS ONLY celebrates thebeauty of the art of Tango. Maestro Romulo Larrea is recognizedinternationally as a leader among the Tango scene and his troupe diligentlyexplores the world of tango that has gained them the reputation of “excellentambassadors of the art of Tango” in international cultural circles. The ensemble’s artistry presents a uniqueapproach to the genre and is a benchmark for all aficionados, novices andexperts alike. Inspired both by thetraditional tango and by its contemporary features, the gifted cast embracesthe music, the dance and the songs that characterize the effervescentcentury-old tradition.
ABOUT THE TOWN HALL: The Town Hall, a National Historic site located in the heart of NewYork City’s theatre district, is a non-profit organization serving thecommunity since 1921. It was built by agroup of suffragettes and began as a lecture hall and public forum for debateswhere America’s Town Meetings on The Air was broadcast live for 25 years. Over the decades, such famed names as BillieHoliday, Bob Dylan, Miles Davis, and most recently, the Dalai Lama and PresidentObama, have graced the stage. Today thehall boasts the hottest acts in rock, pop, folk, cabaret, world music, comedyand dance. For more information, please visit
Glenna Freedman Glenna Freedman Public Relations 1560 Broadway, Suite 910 New York, New York 10036 212.730.0700 phone 212.921.8023 fax glennafreedman@gmail.com
Colectivo29 Friday 15thJune
play tango

Contemporary, adventurous Tangoquintet playing dramatic, powerful and poetic music in the traditionof urban music from Buenos Aires, Colectivo29 create an arresting,captivating acoustic atmosphere.
The World Music Series at Box HillCommunity Arts Centre brings another treat to Whitehorse musiclovers. Although the Tango music of Colectivo29 is well known ininner Melbourne and they have played for the Argentinian Embassy, atRipponlea, at the Canberra Tango Club, Canberra Arts Festival andDarebin Music Feast, this is the first opportunity for Whitehorseresidents to catch them locally.
Acclaimed musicians with a wealth ofinternational experience in Argentina, Cuba, Italy and the USA,Colectivo29 is a vibrant quintet featuring some of Australia’sfinest musicians. A variation on the classic Nuevo Tango quintet,Colectivo29 explores the tradition of Buenos Aires urban music froman Australian perspective. The members of Colectivo29 believe thatTango is fluid and constantly evolving. They are developing newmusic in an Australian context, playing arrangements and compositionswritten by Australian composers
Stunning arrangements of classic Tangorepertoire, lesser-known compositions from Argentinian maestros andoriginal themes all combine producing a post-Piazzolla, post-2001Argentinian economic crash mix of passionate and intense music.Colectivo29 combines searing strings, rhythmic accordion andshimmering piano to produce a captivating blend of lyrical anddanceable music. Colectivo29 pay homage to the dark dramas played outby Osvaldo Pugliese and the rhythmic virtuosity of Horacio Salgán.
Members of colectivo29 have lived inBuenos Aires, and studied with musicians from the core of tango musicculture. They maintain regular contact with the vibrant Buenos Airesmusic scene. Colectivo29 is Andrew James: Piano &Arrangements, Rachael Kim: Violin, Mischa Herman: Accordion, PenelopeWitt: Cello and Tamara Murphy: Bass.
Bring your dancing shoes!
Box Hill Community Arts Centre
470 Station St.
Friday 15th June, 8pm enquiries, bookings 9417 1983; www.boite.com
June 2012 Milongas Southport Queensland
La Gran Milonga is on this Saturday June 2nd 2012 - Southport Community Centre Lawson Street Southport click here for more information
Southport Milonga Saturday June 9th 2012 - Arnold and Leonie Masonic Hall 76 Nerang St Southport. 8pm start
Milongas in June 2012 with Tango Embrace
2. COLLAROY MILONGA Tuesday 5th June Masonic Hall, 1183 Pittwater Road 7.30pm - 10pm cost $10 BYO FREE introductory class from 6.30 - 7.30pm
3. SEAFORTH MILONGA Saturday 16th June, Bowling Club, Kirkwood St. This is the Grand Daddy of them all! Special Theme "Faded Opulence" wear that fabulous piece! "Ken's Bar" open 8pm - 12mn. $20 - part proceeds to Bolivian Orphans through Compassion Australia.
We provide cake, cheese & bics at all milongas. We only need YOU! Bookings 0407 017 538 or email margarita1@iprimus.com.au
PS: New to Tango? Milonga is a term for a place or an event where tango is danced. People who frequently go to milongas are sometimes called milongueros. The term milonga can also refer to a musical genre.The music played is mainly tango, vals, & milonga (as the musical genre). Most milongas are held on a regular basis, Usually, three to five songs of a kind are played in a row (this is called a tanda followed by a short musical break (called cortina) to clear the dancefloor and facilitate partner changes.
Milonga 19 May 2012 Seaforth
A Sneak Peek at "Barrio Longfellow"
from their site:
"Nostalgic tango that stirs the soul and moves the feet Mandrágora Tango is a vibrant collective of tango musicians based in Minneapolis, dedicated to preserving the nearly-lost musical forms of tango and translating them for today's listeners and dancers. Tango music defies categorization, living somewhere between classical, jazz and world beat. Mandrágora dances across those lines and creates a music that is fresh, engaging, danceable and nostalgic. Or something like that."
On the site you will discover some of their audios that you can listen to. I'm just listening to El Pato Zumbullidor - Bob Barnes - can't wait to dance to it... to listen and find out more... visit Mandrágora Tango
Tango Embrace Classes Collaroy starts May 1st
TANGO EMBRACE MONTHLY PROMOTION: New Intake @ Collaroy Tuesday 1st May 6.30pm FREE class and "Special Packages". Address: Masonic Hall 1183 Pittwater Road, Collaroy. How can you help us? Please invite your friends & forward this email, put us on your facebook and come join us yourself - most important!
Following this class …. "Let's Party!" Practica from 7.30pm - 10.00pm $10 BYO - We can show the newbies how it's done.
The following Tuesdays - New Class Times for more learning
6.30pm Beginners I
7.30pm Beginners II
8.30pm Advanced
9.30pm Practica
Bookings call/text 0407 017 538 margarita1@iprimus.com.au
Guy & I thank you in advance and appreciate any assistance you can give us Margarita & "Gaucho" Guy PS: Club Willoughby Milonga Friday 4th May
Dance Auditions Got-To-Dance
Auditions must close on Sunday 13th May 2012.@FOX8.tv #gottodanceaustralia
Sunny Tango Festival Crete Greece June 2012
Sunny Tango Vacations festival Kokkini Hani, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Wednesday 27th of June 2012 to Sunday 1st July 2012.
Maria Ines Bogado & Sebastian Jimenez
Homer & Cristina Ladas
Cesira Miceli & Chenquo Che Sierra
Elli Karadimou & Gabriel Marino
Frini Fatourou & Dimitris Kotzampasis
Guest dancers:
Jorge Tsaousoglou & Ioanna Andrikopoulou
Alexis Papastefanatow & Eugenia Maltezou
… more to be confirmed …
Talmi for Tangueros/as
Anastasia Kitsikopoulou
Contact Improvisation courses
Georgia Petrali
Travelling to the US? New classes with Moti Buchboot
Here are the updates:
Open house classes in Hermosa Beach and Santa Monica. Please help me pass the word.*Beginner and Intermediate Open House (free classes) Hermosa Beach, Thursday March 22nd, May 3rd Classes in Hermosa Beach Assisted by Sara Pettitt. Please scroll down for more information.
*Beginner and Intermediate Open House (free classes) in Santa Monica, Tuesday March 27th, May 8th. Classes in Santa Monica assisted by Clarice Yeung (until the return of Emily). Please scroll down for more information.
*Promenade Milonga April 8th,15th ,22nd. 6-10pm
Romantic Evening
Author: Anonymous;
Let's imagine a romantic table set for two,
Candles flickering against flowers, their scent filling the room.
Embers brightly burning in the warm fireplace,
The sound of the fire crackling with vibrant grace.
The finest bottle of red wine is set for you and I.
Our favorite love songs are softly playing in the background.
Candles and the fireplace is our only light around,
A perfect setting for our romantic evening of pure bliss.
Our hearts both filled with passion, wanting to blend together.
Embraced, looking deeply into each others eyes we caress all over.
We make a toast to our gift of love sent from above.
As we drink from each other's glass, our hands entwine,
Softly we kiss, our lips now taste like sweet wine.
We slowly fall into ecstasy, our bodies melt together as one.
Emotions flowing and hearts soaring, we pledge our hearts.
Two lovers who desire each other for eternity.
Let's make it happen, my dear,
Let's do this tonight, for real.
If you've never taken a class with Moti, you are in for a treat...
Beginner and Intermediate Open House (free classes) Hermosa Beach, Thursday March 22nd, May 3rd Classes in Hermosa Beach Assisted by Sara Pettitt.
Location: Community Center
710 Pier Avenue Room 10
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Beginner- 7:30-8:30 Intermediate-8:30-9:30.
Beginner and Intermediate Open House (free classes) in Santa Monica, Tuesday March 27th, May 8th. Classes in Santa Monica assisted by Clarice Yeung.
Santa Monica Location: Varieties International
2523 17th Street Santa Monica, CA 90405
Moti’s beginner classes provide students with the fundamental vocabulary, techniques, and concepts necessary to build a successful foundation for Argentine tango social dancing. The classes avoid the rote memorization of patterns and steps, which often leaves novice dancers fumbling on the dance floor. It instead emphasizes basic concepts of leading and following and the relationship among partners, the music, and other dancers to prepare students for any tango social dance experience. Moti's teaching is highly energized, yet presented in a casual and relaxed environment. This allows the students to learn simply, quickly, and confidently More advanced dancers can join Moti for an in-depth study of Argentine tango mechanics and the complex concepts that allow students to master intricate movements with ease. The class works with both open and close embrace styles and focuses heavily on improvisation, experimentation, and musical interpretation. Moti will acquaint students with the cutting edge movements associated with modern tango, but does so by retaining the classic look and vocabulary of traditional Argentine tango. This integrative approach, which combines both modern innovation and a firm respect for tradition, gives students the tools to create their own dynamic and inventive styles.
New class series: Hermosa Beach Thursday March 29th, May 10th Beg 7:30-8:30 Int 8:30-9:30.
Santa Monica Tuesday April 3rd, May 15th Beg 8-9:15 Int 9:15-10:30.
Luis and Karina are celebrating 26 years in Australia!
Southport Community Centre Lawson Street, Southport Queensland.
Luis and Karina are celebrating 26 years in Australia!
Performances by Jairo and Amy, John and Cheryl, Rosemary and Greg, Arnold & Leonie. Tickets $20
Phone: Luis 0429 133 060 Karina 0413 188 099
5 Fundamental Steps of Tango
Tango Space is a fabulous resource for tango dancers of all stages. One thing we know about you… …is that you want clarity in yo...

If you'd like to see more of Darcos Tango Art Shoes... ask Ariel at Darcos to send you more info. Il Cairo, Egitto - Walking Art ...
Arts Centre Melbourne - 1-5th April 2015 - Use the promo code ‘TANGO’ at checkout for a discount when purchasing four or more adult t...
I was delighted to be asked to share Alli Sinclair's latest work Luna Tango... About Luna Tango... Desperate to understand the rea...